2015년 6월 19일 금요일

Su:m37º Water-full Line - moisturizing with Water-full Full line.


eBay Store - Dabin Shop

In skin care, the most important thing is 'moisturizing'.
Especially in Summer, we get into a perspiration in the hot Sun. 
For that reason, we have to provide to our skin the moisture with special care. 
Dabin Shop began to sell Su:m37º Water-full line in a package of full line.  

The Water-full line's 8 products are...
    .. Skin refresher - 170 ml
    .. Triple story ample -15 ml x 3 ea
    .. Pore essence - 40 ml
    .. Balancing gel lotion - 120 ml
    .. Eye filler - 35 ml  
    .. Cream - 50 ml
    .. Mist - 60 ml x 2 ea
    .. Gel mask  - 6 ea

All products will be shipped together, the shipping fee will be saved as much as some amount.

With this beautiful Su:m37º Water-full line, save your skin and some money.

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