2015년 6월 17일 수요일

ChungYoonJin - Health Functional Foods - Starts Sale Event

eBay Store - Dabin Shop

* Ten Commandment for the Health Dietary.

 1. Eat more than 30 kinds of natural foods in a day.
 2. Eat unpolished grains as three meals.
 3. Eat various colors of food like rainbow, with fruits, vegetables and sea foods. 
 4. Eat beans, tofu, eggs and fish, and moderate the oily meats.
 5. Eat a handful of nut products every day.
 6. Eat milk, fermented milk and anchovy 1~2 times in a day.
 7. Drink 6~8 cups of water in a day.
 8. Avoid salty, hot, burnt and junk food, and moderate alcohol, smoke, caffeine and 
    carbonic acid drinks.
 9. Eat small amount and regularly three times in a day.
 10. If you can't promise above 9 points, make full use of "Health functional foods".

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