2014년 9월 23일 화요일

The Order of Basic Skin Care and Make-up.. No More Confusion.


Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

We open confuse the order of skin care. 
This order is not hard-and-fast rule, but when you follow this order you will can get

more effect from them. 

The order of Basic Skin Care - 
   1. cleansing   2. pre-essence   3. toner, balancer, skin softener   4. ample, essence
   5. lotion, emulsion   6. eye cream   7. cream   8. sun screen

According to personal skin condition, some steps can be skip and some steps can be added.

The order of Make-up
   1. make-up base   2. foundation   3. kind of power pact   4. point make-up

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