2014년 9월 24일 수요일

Basic Skin Care - Stage of Skin Condition Arrangement


Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

Stage of skin condition arrangement
1. Arrangement of skin texture and skin vitalization
    .. Balancer(skin softener, toner) - It arranges the disodered skin texture after washing
                                                        and provide moist.
    .. Massage Cream - It provide ingredients by relexing skin tiredness and improve blood 
                                circulation and metabolism. Massage for 3~5 minutes is good 
                                according to skin condition. 
    .. Mask / Pack - It remove the old dead skin cell, use 1~2 times in a week. It has effect 
                           of anti-aging by improving blood circulation and metabolism.
        *Pack - does not form air cut film
        *Mask - blocks the outside's air

2. Pack type
    .. Peel off type - After some time, it has to be removed - effective removing old dead
                              skin cell, dust and sebum.
    .. Tissue off type - Can be removed by tissue - Strong point is easy and provide 
                                ingredients and moist in short time.
    .. Wash off type - Have to wash off with water - According to pack's function, it is 
                               great for adhesion sebum, providing moist and ingredients.

    .. Leave-on type - The massage cream can be absorbed itself into the skin - The strong 
                                point is easy. Moist providing and relexing effect is fast.

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