2014년 6월 11일 수요일

This Summer, Su:m37º Best products are necessary.

Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

Su:m37 Secret Programming Essence
Won No.1 the repurchase rate of prestige essence in 2012.

The natural fermentation ingredients of more than 80 organic plants, 
filled with vitality of nature, restore the healthy skin system and bring back 
the new baby skin.

Su:m37º Secret Repair Concentrate 
<Won 'Best Effect' award from 'Singles Cosmetic Award' in 2014.>

This is the concentrate with strong and deep fermented ingredients, 
found in the origin of fermentation, that influence the fundamentals of skin, 
correct the week and loose skin structure and restore the density and health of the skin. 

Su:m37º Water-full Water Gel Cream
<Won No.1 from <get it beauty>'s blind test in Moisturizing Cream part. 
                                               20. August. 2011. <get it beauty> 30th

Gel-type cream with instant hydrating effect that sooth the warmth of the skin.

Su:m37º Water-full Water Gel Mist 
Won the wonner from 'COSMO BEAUTY AWARDS 2013' in mist part.

A water-gel mist that providing hydra-energy within skin by the fermented bamboo 
to create skin moisturized and brilliant. 

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