2014년 6월 4일 수요일

The History of Whoo Whitening & Moisture Glow Cushion Foundation. - Special Gift Set

Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

After launching, this Whitening & Moisture Glow Cushion Foundation recorded sold out rapidly.
It is The History of Whoo's representative hit item.
The LG Company wanted to gratitude about this record, so they produce special gift set which added a refill goods. 

Whitening & Moisture Glow Cushion Foundation is made with secret court method, the Whoo Whitening's core ingredient, pearl wild ginseng™ and mother chrysanthemum. 
That beautiful ingredients gives to the skin white glow and moist in the same time, and deliver moistness and life against strong ultraviolet rays in the afternoon. 

Do not miss this beautiful gift set, the very Whoo's representative hit item. It is very useful during the whole Summer. 

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