2013년 8월 19일 월요일

In September.. Wedding Gift Set will come out from Hwan-yu line.


Combination for Imperishability
Since the method of coordination of medical herbs was additionally used to
maximize the efficacy of valuable medicine. Principal ingredient,
"Gihyeoljeong" which forms the foundation of human body, including young
antlers of the deer, Dongchunghacho, Jangsaenghasuo, snow lotus herb, natural
wild ginseng and about seventy ingredients of traditional Oriental medicine
compounded through principle of "Masters and Servants", efficacy of such
ingredients is maximized in the skin. Method of coordinating medical herbs is
the combination method after considering their effectiveness.

Unchanging Skin
As time passes by, functions of body and skin are depreciated. Use new Hwanyu
products and you will be able to experience the turnover of your skin. Highly
concentrated composite composed of many ingredients of traditional Oriental
medicine extracted through the newest supercritical extraction which doesn't
destroy active ingredients by raising pressure but penetrate deep into the skin.
Therefore, if you use Hwanyu products, your complex skin problems including
dark, dry and inelasticity due to skin aging will be solved and you will be able to
recapture the youthfulness of your skin when it was ten years younger.

    "Peak of the Luxury, 
                    the premium wedding gift for your VVIP!!"

      ♥ Whoo Whan-yu Wedding Gift Set !!! 

             .. Hwan-yu Cream - 60 ml                .. Hwan-yu Essence - 50 ml
             .. Hwan-yu Eye Cream Gold - 50 ml

                These are will be together.
             .. Hwahyun Balancer - 25 ml
             .. Hwahyun Emulsion - 25 ml
             .. Hwahyun Essence - 8 ml
             .. Hwahyun Cream - 10 ml
             .. Hwahyun Eye Cream - 5 ml
             .. Wild Ginseng Ample Oil - 5 ml
             .. Jinyul Balancer - 20 ml
             .. Jinyul Emulsion - 20 ml
             .. Jinyul Cream - 4 ml
             .. Jinyul Jinaek Foam - 13 ml
             .. Bichup Jaseng Essence - 8 ml
☞ This wedding gift set will come out in "September".
     Please do not make purchase...
     Just send me message for your "reservation."

☞ This wedding gift set will come out in "September".
     Please do not make purchase...
     Just send me message for your "reservation."

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