2013년 8월 6일 화요일

O HUI The First Line.... Upgraded.

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  Renewed, refined skin just like never before -

  O HUI The First

O HUI The First contains the signature regenerating property, sh-SCP(synthetic Human Stem Cell Protein) created by CHA stem cell Institute, which is one of the top stem cell research centers in the world with the advanced knowledge and experiences in bio-science. 

Becoming more special with unique ingredients, O HUI The first began with a study on the skin to allow women to feel significant difference in their skin from fingertips when applying cosmetics.

Now, with O HUI The First, experience the power to transform your skin into super healthy, vitalized, and radiant from the within, which reflects how beautiful you are. 

* The Key Properties of premium total care O HUI The First
1. sh-SCP(synthetic Human Stem Cell Protein)
    Is the key active property exclusively provided from CHA stem cell research center. This
    is a beneficial blend of 19 properties created by analyzing and synthesizing the culture
    solution of stem cell. This key regenerating property makes O HUI The First have
    outstanding effects to become premium cosmetic line.
2. Transkin™-hGH
    Is the property of growth hormone developed in the research process of human growth
    and maturation. The unique, exclusive Transkin™, technology facilitates absorption of
    beneficial ingredients to the skin, created by researchers of LG Household & Healthcare.  
    This is the differentiated nutrient property for next generation. 
3. Transkin™-EGF
    Combining the EGF(epiermal growth factor) with Transkin technology, the patent
    technology of LG Household & Healthcare, this premium property increase the amount of
    EGF up to five times to help boost skin regenerating.
     *Patent application:10-2012-0058752
     **Journal of Pharmacy Vol.57, Issue 2, 125-131 p(2013)

     # Cell Revolution Eye Cream-25 ml
        As the focused care for shaggy and tired eye areas, this eye cream is a highly
        concentrated total-care eye cream which can be applied smoothly with its
        viscous texture, leaving a firm finish. The First's key properties, sh-SCP(syn-
        thetic Human Stem Cell Protein) and other effective properties take good care 
        of eye areas intensively to make the delicate areas moist, supple, and firm-up.

              .. the First Cell Revolution Eye Cream - 25 ml
                 .. the First Cell Revolution Skin Softener - 20 ml
                 .. the First Cell Revolution Emulsion - 20 ml
                 .. the First Cell Revolution Essence - 5 ml
                 .. the First Cell Revolution Cell Source - 22 ml
                  .. the First Cell Revolution Cream Soft - 7 ml
                  .. Tender Cleansing Foam - 40 ml ......................... will be together.

           After applying emulsion, use your ring finger to dispense and adequate
           amount, Slightly warm it up using your body temperature. Use wide circular
           motion to apply smoothly around the eye area and gently dab for better

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