2015년 9월 4일 금요일

The History of Whoo Bichup JaYoon Cream Gift Set - At last.... it came.

eBay Store - Dabin Shop 

At last, the JaYoon Cream came with Beautiful gift set.

This set has almost of Hwahyun line, even with 50 ml of hwahyun cleansing foam. 
And again, it include Bichup full line.... Jasaeng essence and Soonhwan essence.
It can't be more beautiful gift set. 

   ## Bichup Ja Yoon Cream
  Bichup Ja Yoon Cream is the premier anti-aging cream that endows skin to self-
  generate its vitality and give off the intrinsic healthy light for itself.
  Gongjinbidan, Gyeongokbidan and Cheongsimbidan, the three representative
  royal secrets, help resolve diverse problems in skin aging, and ChoJahabidan
  containing the root of vitality endows skin to self-generate its vitality and Jayoonbidan
  strengthens skin vitality to realize resilient shining skin. 

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