2015년 4월 7일 화요일

How to care the large pore?


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How to care the large pore?

Our face has approximately 20,000 pores. 
Sebum secretion is made through pores, and we can see the large pores on oily skin type. 
And again, when skin lose its elasticity the pores tend to be seen. 
When the pores become large, it makes your face old look. 

There are two kinds of pores. 
1. 'U' type pore - it is because of the excess of sebum secretion. It is seen from young people.
2. 'Y' type pore - when skin lose its elasticity, the pore can be seen. 

Once the pores become large, it is really hard to make it small again.
So we have to prevent before they formed. 

Then how can we prevent it become large?
1. Do not expose your face heat - it make the skin lose its elasticity.
2. Block the ultraviolet rays - excessive expose to ultraviolet rays makes your skin aging. 
3. Provide sufficient water - the most important skin care is moisturizing. 

The History of Whoo and Su:m37º  sell beautiful pore care essence. 

With the correct caring the pores, get the healthy and beautiful skin.

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