2015년 3월 13일 금요일

Now it is the season of whitening - Su:m37º Ample in Cream

Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

This Su:m37º White Award line renewed. The existing white yeast still acts skin whitening. 
And LG company's exclusive ingredient "Micro Fermented Pearl Protein" was added.
This renewed White Award will give the jewel aure skin tone to you.

White Award Ultimate Whitening Ample in Cream - 45 g (cream, 36g/ample, 9g)
  (Functional cosmetics for skin whitening)
    This is the Ample in Cream of new concept where the fresh Micro Fermentation
    pearl Protein Complex™ is stabilized in a capsule and used after the process of
    melting and ripening in the cream just before each use.
   The whitening active in ingredients are delivered to the skin and treat the skin that
    becomes more dull and shady as time goes by.

Beautiful gift sets were released.

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