2015년 1월 9일 금요일

O Hui Miracle Moisture Line was Born


Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

There was Moisture line in O Hui Cosmetics named 'Hydra Formula', and now it discontinued. Instead of that line, a beautiful line was born.
That is the very the "Miracle Moisture" line.

 When our skin meet deep moisture, it looks transparent as if the paper met water.
The skin's miracle will never come when it is lack of moisture.
Chiffon ceramide™ will fill your skin with deep moisture and makes your skin even more moist and transparent everyday.
It will become miracle of moisturizing because your face will be even younger.

This line consisted with .. Skin softener fresh, Skin softener moist, essence, emulsion, cream and ample777

We hope and expect this line will give us another wonderful experience. 

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