2014년 11월 5일 수요일

The History of Whoo HwaHyun Cream came out with Gift Set

Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

Tz'uhsi's Beauty Recipe-controls the 6 forces of the body
 Tz'uhsi wanted enjoy the eternal beautiful worried the
 6 force(wind, sunlight, the heat, humidity, dry, cold),
 and she made this recipe which combined 30 orientla herbs.
 It could give to her the bright skin.
With her marvelous recipe, this Hwahun cream give it a glow from
the depth of the skin. And slow down the overall process of aging.

This beautiful cream came out with gift set. This set also has 4ml of the very HwanYu Cream.
Never miss this beautiful gift set. 
It surely will give you the happiest mood. 

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