2014년 10월 5일 일요일

ChungYoonJin Hanami Placell - Perfect Skin Care Starts From Inside Your Body.


Ebay Store - Dabin Shop

We take care out skin from inside to outside,
and expect more effect by synergy effect.

The health functional food that care harmed skin from the UV rays.
ChungYoonJin Hanami Placell

We concern the UV rays very carefully in Summer time, but it tend to be indifferent when it is cool Fall. 
Even the sunlight is not strong as much as Summer, the UV rays still harmful. We concern it in Fall, because of the cool weather our life tend to be out more than in Summer. When we exposed in sunlight for some time, it cause skin pigmentation, wrinkles and keratosis.

By the way, is only the cosmectics can protect skin from UV rays? That is not true.
When we get help from ChungYoonJin Hanami Placell, we can take care our skin from UV rays.
ChungYoonJin Hanami Placell achieve recognition for the first time in Korea as a individual admitted ingredients which can protect our skin from sunlight or UV rays.
With main ingredients of pycnogenol from France pinaster, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and seed oil of sundrops, and also contains hydrlysis extracts of pig placenta and white ginseng power, it is very helpful for our health and beautiful skin.

Achieve certification of function and safety about skin health from  Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, we can take it without worry.

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