2014년 2월 20일 목요일

ChungYoonJin Propolis Forte - Immunity Improve, Anticancer, Antioxidant, Antibiotic

[Dabin Shop] always gives you the beautiful service.

 Propolis is natural antiboitic.  It strengthens our immunity and prevent from the common cold virus and others.
LG's 'Propolis Forte' is made with high quality of Propolis from clean Australia 
and Brazil. With the main ingredients of Propolis extract powder, and added the supplementary ingredients,
extract of cranberry, extract of olive berry, extract of mustard seed, zinc oxide and natural lime flavor.
With that beautiful ingredients, Propolis Forte is great for antioxidant and anti-bacterial effect for oral.

This Propolis Forte is chewable premium health functional food. 

* Who needs Propolis Forte?
 .. Who needs antibiotic function in his(her) oral.
 .. Who want to make his(her) mouth fresh by remove the bad breath's causative organism.
 .. Who worry about his(her) bad breath, because of drinking, smoking and internal desease.
 .. Who smells burning, because of lots of talks and stress.
 .. Who want to fast recover stomatitis, periodontitis and sore throat.
 .. Who has trouble during in-between seasons because of cold, sneeze, allergic coryza and asthma.
 .. Who suffer from from chronic fatigue.
 .. Workers who has lots of stress.
 .. Who want to protect cell from the harmful oxygen by antioxidant effect.
 .. Who needs the flavonoid of antioxidant.
 .. Who want to take propolis product by simple and tasty.

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